
Below you will find information on the latest minutes and announcements from the Tyler Hill Memorial Hall Committee.

If you wish to make any comments regarding any items on this page, please use the contact form to respond.


The annual bonfire will not be held in 2024


Synopsis of Meeting Held by THMH Committee on Thursday 05/09/24

  • Finance
    Bank accounts are looking OK.

  • Bookings
    Bookings are healthy with regular hires through the week, and already filling up for next year.
    Chi Chi Fit have cancelled their bookings.
    Have received enquiry from Nepalese for one off hire next year. As issue with noise this year we will advise local residents, and that villagers are welcome to join them with their celebration

  • House & Building Matters
    Meeting Room improvements of Kitchenette are in hand.
    Noise limiter for Hall under review.

  • Recreation Ground Matters
    New / replacement play equipment being looked into. Resident input on design options will be important to inform funding bids.
    Wickstead Report received on existing play equipment - Working parties arranged weekend of 28th and 29th September. All welcome to come and help
    Garden area and trees to be tidied.

  • AOB
    Events - A Christmas Market has been booked for Friday 29th November.
    Events - A coffee morning has been booked for 19th October in aid of The Hospice
    Further information for these events to be advertised in due course.

    Committee to look into feasibility of electric charging point in hall car park.

    A crime number has been given for scam emails received by village hall.

Next Meeting 05/09/24


Following a report from our safety advisors, we are organising working parties to carry out the necessary work to our play equipment at the recreation field by the Memorial Hall, on the weekend of 26th and 29th of September.

Work will mainly consist of ground work to safety mats and painting the frames of the swings and slide.

If you are able or free to help, we would love to see you. Please respond to our email address or contact a committee member if you have any questions.


We are sad to announce the passing of a very popular resident of Tyler Hill, Derek Blair.

He passed away on Tuesday 13/08/24 at the age of 96. Having served on many committees within the village over the years and was one of the residents who assisted in the construction of the current Village Hall. He will be sadly missed.


Synopsis of Meeting Held by THMH Committee on Thursday 01/08/24

  • Finance
    Review to see if hire increases offset loss of Bonfire night income.

  • Bookings
    Not fully booked for August, but looking healthy for next year.
    Issue with regular Sunday booking now resolved.

  • House & Building Matters
    Meeting Room improvements of Kitchenette now in hand.
    Subsidence issue - Trees cut, building now being monitored.
    Committee looking into noise limiter for Hall

  • Recreation Ground Matters
    New / replacement play equipment being looked into. Resident input on design options will be important to inform funding bid.
    Wickstead Report on existing play equipment - matters being dealt with. (Working parties required to assist)
    Mower now adjusted and repaired.
    Garden area and trees to be Tidied.
    Heras fencing to be removed from the field.

  • AOB
    Events - Hope to hold a Christmas Fair this year. (Volunteers welcome for stallholders)
    Woods - Matter closed.
    Post Box for Parish Council to be fitted at Hall.

Next Meeting 05/09/24



Dear Resident,

Many, who live in the vicinity of Summer Lane will be aware of the rumour, that the Hall Committee has given approval for the owner of the woodland adjoining the recreation ground to use the field as access for large vehicles transporting logs for the next 20 years.

This rumour is factually inaccurate, but has resulted in a substantial degree of concern, distress and anger, which would be entirely understandable if it were true. There have been allegations about the motivation for and manner in which the coppicing of the woodland has been carried out and the committee has effectively been accused of colluding with the owner against the interests of the community.

Hopefully we can put the record straight and reassure everyone. The committee has never given any approval for such a scheme nor has it even considered allowing lorries or plant to drive across the field.

The hall committee did receive a request for limited access from the land owner, Mr Todd. Despite some misgivings amongst the committee members, it was eventually decided that the request should be given fair consideration. Unlike some of his predecessors, Mr Todd has always been very helpful when his cooperation has been needed and it seemed wrong to simply dismiss his request out of hand.

A few weeks ago, a meeting was held with him to identify exactly what he was seeking and whether it might be possible to help. His request related to access for vehicles no larger than a Land Rover and trailer along the edge of the field and through the overflow car park during summer months only, over a period of 10 years. In return he was offering to provide an extension to that car park. When reported to the committee, this fact finding exercise stimulated more questions and a decision on the project was deferred until the August meeting.

Although the committee has always been mindful of the impact of its activities on its neighbours, even a limited project such as this would have required planning permission from the City Council, which would have given residents a formal opportunity to voice objections, if it was felt that these were being ignored locally. However, they were not being ignored. The committee was simply completing a reasonable fact finding process, before making a decision.

The results would almost certainly have caused the rejection of the project at the next meeting. There were health and safety considerations which could not be overcome, in addition to resident objections. However, in the last few days these have become irrelevant, because a letter has been received from Mr Todd withdrawing his application.

This has been a very unfortunate situation which hopefully can be avoided in future, by better communication. The committee’s prime function is to manage the hall facilities for the benefit of the whole village and surrounding area and it always endeavours to do this in a fair and balanced way


Logging Access over Tyler Hill Recreation Ground

A rumour has recently been circulating, alleging that the Memorial Hall committee had entered into agreement with the owner of the woodland adjoining the recreation ground, giving him access to remove logs. It suggested that he would be using 30 ton vehicles which would be driving over the field and down Summer Lane for the next 20 years. This naturally caused a lot of consternation amongst residents.

The committee’ position is that it has had discussions with the land owner following an approach from him, but states that his request related to just a Land Rover and trailer and was for a 10 year period. In return, he would provide an extension to the overflow car park, which would ease parking congestion problems, in the roads around the village.

It categorically states that no decision had been reached as there were a lot of aspects to be considered, including health and safety issues and impact on residents.

Nonetheless, due to the level of concern and ill feeling which had developed, it was felt necessary to arrange a meeting involving representatives of the hall committee, parish council and Summer Lane Representatives.

The minutes of that meeting are available here.